18 items
All Saints High School
11 items
Assumption School
6 items
11 items
Chapel Hill Catholic School
11 items
Convent Glen Catholic School
11 items
Corpus Christi School
11 items
Divine Infant School
11 items
Dr. F.J. McDonald Catholic School
11 items
Georges Vanier Catholic School
11 items
Good Shepherd School
11 items
Guardian Angels School
11 items
Holy Cross School
11 items
Holy Family School
11 items
Holy Redeemer School
11 items
Holy Spirit School
18 items
Holy Trinity Catholic High School
18 items
Immaculata High School
10 items
M.F. McHugh Education Centre
11 items
Monsignor Paul Baxter School
17 items
Notre Dame High School
11 items
Our Lady of Fatima School
11 items
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
11 items
Our Lady of Peace School
11 items
Our Lady of Victory School
11 items
Our Lady of Wisdom School
11 items
Prince of Peace School
17 items
Sacred Heart High School
11 items
St. Andrew School
11 items
St. Anne School
11 items
St. Anthony School
11 items
St. Augustine School
11 items
St. Benedict School
3 items
St. Bernadette
11 items
St. Bernard School
11 items
St. Brigid School
11 items
St. Brother Andre
11 items
St. Catherine School
11 items
St. Cecilia School
11 items
St. Clare School
11 items
St. Daniel School
11 items
St. Dominic School
11 items
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School
11 items
St. Elizabeth School
11 items
St. Emily School
11 items
St. Francis of Assisi School
18 items
St. Francis Xavier High School
11 items
St. Gabriel School
11 items
St. Gemma School
11 items
St. George School
3 items
St. Gianna
11 items
St. Gregory School
11 items
St. Isabel School
11 items
St. Isidore School
11 items
St. James School
11 items
St. Jerome School
11 items
St. John Paul II School
11 items
St. John the Apostle School
11 items
St. John XXIII School
18 items
St. Joseph High School
10 items
St. Joseph's Adult School
3 items
St. Juan Diego
11 items
St. Kateri Tekakwitha School
11 items
St. Leonard School
11 items
St. Luke School, Nepean
11 items
St. Luke School, Ottawa
11 items
St. Marguerite d'Youville School
17 items
St. Mark High School
11 items
St. Martin de Porres School
11 items
St. Mary School
16 items
St. Matthew High School
11 items
St. Michael School, Corkery
11 items
St. Michael School, Fitzroy
11 items
St. Michael School, Ottawa
11 items
St. Monica School
17 items
St. Mother Teresa High School
10 items
St. Nicholas Adult High School, West
10 items
St. Patrick's Adult School
11 items
St. Patrick School
18 items
St. Patrick's High School
16 items
St. Paul High School
16 items
St. Peter High School
11 items
St. Philip School
17 items
St. Pius X High School
11 items
St. Rita School
11 items
St. Rose of Lima School
11 items
St. Stephen School
11 items
St. Theresa School
11 items
St. Thomas More School
3 items
St. Veronica
11 items
Thomas D'Arcy McGee Catholic School
53 items
Caretakers Cleaning Products
24 items
Construction and Automotive Shops
144 items
Creative Arts Department
25 items
Elementary Learning Materials
6 items
Hairstyling and Aesthetics
3 items
499 items